You can make these plain, or with just sesame seeds. Perhaps just dried mince onion if you want. Or you can make them with everything!

Bagels. I don’t have much to say about them as they speak for themselves. Everyone loves them. What I will say is that making them is not as intimidating as it may seem and can actually be fun and delightfully rewarding. The bagel boil adds a bit of pizzazz to a rather simple bread mix as dipping the boiled bagel in seeds is satisfaction gaurenteed. Not to mention the beautiful moment of tearing into a fresh baked bagel from the oven and eating it with warm melting butter.

Then there is after the cool, or the next morning or even a day later when the bagel is toasted and creamed with cheese and chives, or made into that hummus sandwich with those holy grail pea sprouts you grew all by yourself that are filling your kitchen with green splendor, your very own secret garden.

Make the most of it. This makes 12

bagel video tutorial: with ingredients and process below

Ingredients and process


1 cup flour, 1 cup water, 1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast

Mix your poolish together the night before you plan on making your bagels. Mix together the flour, yeast and water in a bowl. Cover and let rest overnight.


1 1/4 cup water

3 1/2 tablespoons honey

the whole batch of polish

1 1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast

3 teaspoons salt

4 cups artisan bakers flour, all purpose

3/4 cup whole wheat flour

Mix together the water, honey and poolish. Add the yeast and salt. Add your flour gradually as you mix it in. Once flour is mixed in transfer dough to the table and start kneading. Knead for 5-10 minutes.

Let dough rise for 1 - 1 1/2 hours in bowl or on table covered, until double in size.

After it has risen, cup dough into 12 equal pieces and preshape into loose rounds and rest 5 minutes. Second shape dough rounds into tighter balls, drawing tension across the top and cinching in the bottoms by dragging across the table. Let rest 5-10 minutes. Shape dough balls into bagels by pinching a hole in the middle with your thumb and middle finger and gently drawing open the hole by stitching and pulling the dough while walking it around your hands in a circular motion. Place bagels on parchment lined sheet tray, cover and let rest for 1- 1 1/2 hours or until double in size. Watch video tutorial for shaping guidance.

MAKE EVERYTHING BAGEL MIX: sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, minced dry onion, minced dry garlic and flaky salt. Mix together in a bowl.

Bring a pot of water to boil with a generous dallop of honey.

When bagels have risen, drop them gently into the honey water and boil for 30 seconds on each side.

Remove bagels onto a metal cookie cooling rack and while still wet drop them face first into the bowl of EVERYTHING SEEDS and cover generously. Place back on parchment lined sheet tray.

Bake at 400 degrees F until bagels are browned on top and bottom. Remove from oven and cool.


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Homemade hummus

INGREDIENTS: 1 can chickpeas, 15 ounce, juice of one large lemon, 1 garlic clove, ground cumin,

1/4 cup homemade tahini, (recipe below), 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt to taste

Mix everything together in a food processor!

You might have to adjust oil or lemon juice for taste and consistency.

homemade tahini

Tahini is a blended thin paste of toasted sesame seeds, a gentle flavored oil, such as avocado oil or vegetable oil or olive oil and salt.

Toast seseme seeds in a skillet on the stove until browned and scented. Place seeds in a food processor and blend with oil until desired consistency. Salt to taste.

For the sandwich slice your bagel in half, spread with hummus, top with thinly ribboned carrots, feta cheese and a large handful of pea sprouts. It the summer I might do a top layer spread of fresh basil pesto because it makes it even that much better!
