There’s a Taco Shop in Back

She always wears the red hat…..winter, spring, summer or fall. Maybe I imagine that. I don’t go all that often. She makes tacos and burritos…..chicken taquitos fried from fresh tortillas right before your very eyes. I’ve eaten her burritos in the mountains by watering holes five miles in. A burrito and a pink blow up raft in the spring. Today, it was raining but we sat outside anyway. In front of the liquor store at the metal tables. A man collects cans and visits other realms in his head. His jeans ride high tied to his waste with a bungee cord. Shirt tucked in neat, he’s built like a wall….solid and straight. I see him watering plants sometimes along the road side. Max scarfs down his Chile relleno spicy chicken burrito like he hasn’t eaten in weeks. I’m sure he has but his new kitchen gig has him sleeping off his normal clock hours. His body might be playing catch up to the new restaurant punch cards…..he’s managing. He tells me they bbq their meat fresh from the tortured old grill in the parking lot…….and fry with real lard. We both like the hole in the wall dining scene. The Red Barn Liquor Store with the taco shop in back is the epitome of hole in the wall.